The next program takes place

📅 2025

7. March, – 9 A.M ➡ 9. March, – 3:30 P.M

📍 Stuttgart, Germany

TSV Heumaden, Kemnater Str. 50, 70619 Stuttgart

Regular price: 590 €

Meet your educators

Jens  02

⸻ Meet the educators

Three days 

packed with health & performance knowledge for dance! 

#DanceStyles #InjuryPrevention #DancerScreening #Mobility #Stability #LegalKnowledge

Module 1

Understanding Dance Styles and Injury Patterns

Discover the unique characteristics of various dance styles, the physical demands they impose, and common injuries dancers face, with a detailed video analysis.

Module 3

Workshop: How to Screen Dancers

Learn practical techniques for interpreting questionnaires, assessing mobility and stability, and understanding key screening processes for dancers.

Module 2

Dance-Style Specific Assessments

How do you asses the physical fitness of the dancer in front of you – or your own? Learn to develop tailored assessments for dancers, and explore essential legal considerations in dance evaluation.

#TrainingStructure #WarmUp #Strength #Endurance #Mobility #Recovery #FirstAid

Module 4

Building the Perfect Training Structure

Master the elements of a well-rounded training regimen, including warm-ups, technique and endurance drills, strength training, stability exercises, and effective cool-down routines.

Module 5

Mobility and Recovery

An effective training starts right after the last one: Explore effective mobility techniques like static and dynamic stretching, joint exercises, and self-myofascial release using foam rolling and trigger point treatments.

Module 6

Workshop: Essential First Aid for Dancers

Gain vital first aid skills, including rescue protocols, positioning, and medication basics, while learning the PEACE and LOVE protocols for effective injury management.

#HighPerformance #MentalTraining #Breathwork #MedicalFlossing #Periodization #Nutrition

Module 7


Learn how to optimize dance performance with breathwork, mental training, and hands-on techniques like medical flossing to reach peak performance in competition & show.

Module 8

Periodization and Holistic Training Planning

Learn how to design effective training plans that align with the menstrual cycle and incorporate tailored nutrition strategies for sustained performance.

Education · Program · Teach · Learn · Knowledge · Movement

This is for:


You want to increase your level in dance, prepare for competitions or shows and/or come back to dance from injuries. You are interested in your health and dancing as long as possible.


You want to teach dancers how they can train safely & effectively. You want to help increase the performance of your students and minimize their risk of getting injured.


You want to incorporate profound methods of dancer health promotion & performance enhancement within your offered classes & in your competitive groups/companies.


You want to work with dancers within your health/medical profession, analyze movements and guide dance style-specific exercises. You are, for example, a sports scientist, physical therapist, doctor, orthopedist, naturopath.